EURONEWPACK has always been attentive to ethical management of work and people.
All the obtained certifications demonstrate the company commitment to have workplace safety, respect for human rights and safeguard of the environment.
It has obtained both PROCESS and PRODUCT certifications:
ISO 9001/2015 integrated with OH SAS 180001
An integrated system that groups within it the ISO 9001: 2015, which deals with the quality of the process and the quality of the product, and the OH SAS 180001, certification that refers to managing processes and activities aimed at guaranteeing health and safety. in the workplace.
Certification issued by the Italian Institute of Plastics srl, which certifies the identification, throughout the production process, of the by-products of plastics and secondary plastics from the outset in accordance with the UNI 19667-1: 2010 standard.
The "International Safe Transit Association" is a worldwide organization focused on transport packaging. ISTA defines test protocols that must be carried out to certify the different types of existing packaging to ensure that they resist by any means to harsh conditions of transport. It includes the technical laboratory the certificates on tests, as well as activities aimed at verifying the effectiveness and efficiency of the designed packaging, its resistance to shocks, vibrations, compressions and extreme atmospheric conditions during transport.
A standard HT phytosanitary treatment that certifies the suitability of the material to international standards drawn up by the IPPC body. This standard requires a procedure to be performed on wooden packaging through a special HT treatment oven where the temperature of the timber is brought to about 60 degrees for 32 minutes, in order to eradicate any parasite that can cause the death of the fir.